Thursday, April 28, 2011


Wow. Isn't it crazy how one huge cloud can swoop down and wipe out everything in it's way? It seriously blows my mind.

I know there's been lots of talk about how the media should be focusing on all of the tornado coverage instead of the royal wedding. And to be honest, I completely agree. But I realize that they can't solely focus one one thing. They have to be able to deliver the news. And they also have to give us a little happy with a little sad. But this whole royal wedding mess has spiraled out of control. But that's a whole other blog post topic :)

Let's focus today on what's important. Praying for every single individual affected by the storms. People in Arkansas. Alabama. Georgia. Mississippi. Any area that was hit. Pray for those people who are without power. Water. Homes. Loved ones. Pray for those who have lost everything and those who have lost just a few things. What an awful event.

We always ask, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" And this would be one of those situations. And no one really knows. But what we can do in the meantime is pray and donate our time and/or money. Because God's plan is greater than our own. And He has a purpose in all things. Even in tornadoes.

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